Time Warp:
Time Warp's own Cornerstone label -- features TW soundclips as well as clips from solo albums by Barry, Mike and Al
Review of their Off Center album
Review of a Time Warp gig
Canadian Jazz Fake Book: includes sheet music of compositions by Time Warp members

Short bio from U of T
Short bio from Jazz Camp
Review of his Climbing album
The Barry Elmes Quintet: a side project which includes Mike Murley and Ed Bickert

Short bio from U of T
Short bio from Jazz Camp
Bio from Niagara Artists' Company
Interview with JazzView webzine
Mike was a founding member of The Shuffle Demons!
In 1990 Mike won a Juno Award!

Short bio from U of T
Kevin Turcotte fan page!
Chesterfield Inlet: Kevin guests on their CD


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